Subject to Change

A unique Exhibition held at the Wondai Regional Art Gallery. The story behind the display was that a truck had lost its load on its way to a antiques and collectables store. The boxes were now all empty. By using the clues provided you then had to find the items for the inventory list. The twist was that they had been ‘subject to change’ and were now hidden amongst the art displayed in the Main Gallery. Lots of Fun for the visitors to the gallery.

The Main gallery was filled with a wide variety of art pieces from sculptures, paintings and this particular installation all of which tied back to the items from the boxes that fell from the truck,

“I found this exhibition quite mentally challenging to work out. Every Piece of artwork I made, painted or drew had to come from one of those boxes. I deliberately made some things harder than others. The hard work has paid off though. People enjoyed the interactive aspect of the display