This Exhibition will be the result of two years of hard work and many stresses. It is a collabarative piece between Artist Robyn Dower and her sister Kay Gorring who is a writer. They have joined forces to bring to life a delightful story which will capture your heart and fill your senses.
‘A Sense of Wonder’ is the story of Grandma Kate and her relationship with her Granddaughter Annabel. The Story takes you on roller coaster ride of emotion.
The Art Exhibition brings you right into the middle of the story, right into grandmas house where Annabel has returned to house sit. It will provide the clues to piece together the past, and by having the story available to read you shouldn’t miss any of ‘wonder’ it will provide.
The Exhibition will be held at the Wondai Regional Art Gallery in December 2014 and run through until the end of January 2015.